ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This agreement is between Timewell Drainage Products ("Seller") and the applicant named above ("Applicant"). These terms and conditions along with the terms and conditions on Seller's invoices and delivery tickets, which are incorporated by reference (together referred to as "TERMS") represent the entire agreement between the parties. No other terms - including those on Applicant's Purchase Orders - which are different may add to, modify, supersede or otherwise alter the TERMS without express written approval signed by an authorized representative of the Seller. All other terms are hereby rejected.
PAYMENT: Timewell Drainage Products payment terms are Net 30 days. A 1% discount is applied to invoices paid within 10 days. Timewell reserves the right to charge interest at a rate of 2% per month (24% per annum) on all invoices that are past due. Timewell also reserves the right to charge Applicant for the cost of collection of any past due invoices, including but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs and collection agency fees in addition to late payment fees and amount due.
CERTIFICATION: The Applicant certifies the following: (1) the information I provided is true and correct and has been submitted to obtain commercial credit; (2) I am authorized to execute applications and other documents required to establish commercial credit accounts on behalf of Applicant; (3) Seller is hereby authorized to investigate and verify any information provided and inquire of references or others as to creditworthiness; (4) Seller may answer questions from others about its credit experience with the Applicant; and (5) I have read, understood, and agreed to all the TERMS, and agree to notify the Seller, in writing via certified mail, of any material change in name, ownership, location or corporate status within five (5) days.