
MaXflo Underground Detention Systems

Ideal Stormwater Storage Solution

Many construction projects face the challenge of finding adequate space to store stormwater. Often, there is insufficient space for a detention pond or detention basin. That’s where Timewell’s MaXflo underground detention systems become the ideal solution. With the ability to be placed anywhere from under a parking lot to a green area, Timewell’s design team can tailor a stormwater detention system for any job site location.

Timewell offers MaXflo HDPE detention systems and a full line of chamber-style detention systems. Underground detention systems allow project engineers and developers to efficiently maximize the use of available space while still providing adequate stormwater storage capabilities. MaXflo HDPE detention systems and chamber systems allow for an aesthetically pleasing and health-conscious method of storing stormwater.

Find Your Underground Detention System

Find Your Underground Detention System

Built using the durable MaXflo HDPE pipe and fittings, Timewell’s Underground Detention Systems are highly efficient and provide a cost-effective way to store stormwater. MaXflo detention systems (including perforated systems) are available in diameters up to 60” and maintain an AASHTO H-25 and HS-25 load rating. Optional HDPE access risers allow for easy man-entry and cleanout ports. Timewell’s Fitting and Fabrication Department combines MaXflo tees and elbows to develop detention system headers fit for your unique situation.